Data Snacks #2: How Do You Use Data?


Do reports from the Juvenile Justice Institute feel like an 8 course meal where you feel a little nauseous by the end? Or maybe you just can’t even finish? Last year we rolled out our briefs, and have heard that even those might still be a little too much to digest in one sitting!

In our last email, the survey asked a few questions. We're happy to say that no respondent said they don't read either our reports or our briefs!


We also wanted to know why people opened up and read our reports, so here are some of the responses from that part of the survey. The bigger the word/phrase, the more often it showed up in the survey responses!


While we cannot completely go against our nature (i.e. we will continue to be data geeks that yammer on with lots of words and graphs!) we DO want to help you be as excited about data as we are.

Please recall that we will be emailing you these tasty tidbits every other Wednesday, unless you opt out.

And because we love data—we will ask you a few questions along the way, as well. If you checked out the survey from the last Data Snack, you'll see your response represented in the graphics above. To take the second Data Snacks survey, you can follow this link. We appreciate your response!

Come enjoy a data snack with JJI. To sign up for future Data Snacks, simply fill out this short form.